1.Do we only take in introgen since 4/5 of the air is made up of nitrogen?
Yes. We do. When gas enters our nose / mouth, nitrogen is taken in too. Only oxygen is absorbed by our body. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide will leave our body.
2. What is fart made of?
Mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide, methane (sometimes), hydrogen
3. Is fart flammable?
4. Is the temperature around 40 - 50°C in Libya?
Yes, this is true in summer. Temperatures in the summer can reach 50°C during the day but are more commonly around 40°C.
Hope you enjoy this little short break from your study. Have an early night so that you can perform well tomorrow.
Thanks for encouraging us Miss Lee!
Miss Lee,when are you going to post the science thingy at share point?
THANKS Miss Lee! We 4/6 will strive to the end!!!!
Miss Lee, when is the Reader's Theatre performance?
WoW! i did not know that there are people talking just Now
buai buai all~i not going to touch the laptop untill science paper finish~(unless miss lee wants us to do somrthing that concerns the computer)
i have posted the answers
Miss Lee,
I am very scared of my Science exam. I am going to be very very nervous. And thanks encouraging us. We will study hard and pass with flying colours to impresse u n make u happy!
Yes! We will all try our best!
Miss Lee do we have Spelling on Friday(11/5)?
I cannot enter the respiratory system website!
hi miss lee
our class will prove to you that we will pass our science with thousands of colours!!! we will study hard and archive the beat results in the whole level
Yay exams over liao!!!!!!!!!!!!!Going to CAGE if i do well.
Ms Lee, can we have a mini party?
Can we play more computer games on the internet after the end-year exams??? PLS!!!
i cant play com unless i do finish my homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have posted the answers
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